Consultants in Training in Private Practice

Consultants in Training offer their service as supervisors, so they can complete their pathway to become Accredited Case Consultants. This supervision unfortunately will NOT COUNT as the required 5 hours of Case Consultation as part of the EMDR Institute Basic training and also can not count towards the Case Consultation hours for accreditation as an EMDR Practitioner, but of course will be clinically valuable.

From 2022, new Case Consultants in training can be added to the EMDR website by request of the case consultant they are working with and after confirming that they have observed a Basic Training (part 1&2) within the last 12 months.

We thereby hope to be able to re-assure EMDRNZ members that they will be able to access high quality supervision based on the latest version of the training with any CIT.

EMDRNZ criteria is the same as EMDR Europe's criteria.

Consultants in Training in Private Practice