Frequently asked questions

  • Thanks for your interest in becoming a proficient EMDR therapist. The beginning is always the EMDR Basic Training Part 1 & 2, please check the eligibility criteria on our website. After completing your Basic EMDR Training, you can start the Accreditation process by having ongoing supervision with an Accredited Case Consultant. For more details see our accreditation page.

  • Please check training dates and then please contact the trainer directly for information & registration

  • All EMDRNZ members with Full Membership have the opportunity to list in the directory after completion of Basic Training. This includes Parts 1 and 2 and completion of the 10 hours of case consultation with an Accredited Case Consultant.

  • The directory is based on information in your member profile including photo, level of training, the region you work in and more. To update your information, please visit your member profile and update your information. Some information (e.g. level of training) can only be updated by our administrator, so please contact us directly. To manage your information, ensure you are logged in.