Welcome to EMDRNZ

Now that you are a member of EMDRNZ you will be well-informed, well-prepared, and well-connected with EMDRNZ's membership benefits.

  • Free access to The Journal of EMDR Practice & Research 

  • Full members receive a listing in the EMDRNZ online directory available to the public - you can update this at any time

  • Enhance your professional networks by becoming part of the New Zealand EMDR community 

  • Receive discounted rates to EMDRNZ conference and events

  • Receive early bird information about upcoming trainings

  • Access to early bird rates for NZ based events with international EMDR trainers

You’ll receive:

If you are an associate member
you'll get....

Associate Membership ($115)

FREE if you have completed Basic Training 1 or 2
within the last six weeks.

  • For those who have started Basic Training 

  • Provides access to the EMDR Journal of Research and Practice

  • Get advance notice of training opportunities

  • Discounted rates to the EMDRNZ Conference & associated workshops

  • Observer status at AGM

  • Not able to nominate to EMDRNZ Board

If you're a full member you'll get...

Full Membership ($115)

  • Those who have completed Basic Training 

  • Provides access to the EMDR Journal of Research and Practice

  • Get advance notice of training opportunities

  • Discounted rates to the EMDRNZ Conference & associated workshops

  • Listing on the EMDRNZ online directory

  • Voting status at AGM

  • Able to nominate to EMDRNZ Board

Board Minutes

Resources & Links

R-TEP Trained Clinicians