EMDR Basic Training: Accelerating Psychotherapy for Effective Treatment
Welcome to our overview of EMDR therapy Basic Training in Aotearoa New Zealand. The trainings offered are transformative programs designed to equip registered mental health practitioners with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively utilise EMDR therapy.
Basic Trainings accredited by EMDRNZ include:
The Postgraduate Certificate in EMDR Therapy offered through the University of Otago. Dr Tom Flewett and MaryAnn Stevens are the trainers.
EMDR Institute trainings offered by Astrid Katzur and Tal Moore.
Accredited EMDR therapy training offered by Vania Miteva.
All EMDR Basic Trainings are restricted to registered mental health practitioners who treat adults, teens and/or children in a clinical setting.
EMDR is a comprehensive psychological that accelerates the treatment for a wide range of difficulties and self-esteem issues related to disturbing events and current life issues. The Basic Training course is a mix of theoretical and experiential training which seeks to familiarise participants with a broad spectrum of EMDR therapy applications to allow for the comfortable and efficient use of EMDR therapy with a wide range of clients and situations. Because EMDR is a specialised approach to therapy it requires supervised training for full therapeutic effectiveness and client safety. The training consists of lectures, live and videotaped demonstrations and supervised practice. Workshop trainers have passed rigorous competency-based examinations before being certified to conduct trainings.
EMDRNZ has set the below accreditation criteria.
Discover the Power of EMDR Basic Training
EMDR Institute Basic Training Process
An EMDR Institute (founded by F. Shapiro) Basic Training comprises 2 training workshops, each of 3-day duration and 2 x 5 hours of case consultation, to ensure that the participants optimise their exposure to the practice of EMDR. Details of each of the requirements for Basic Training 1 and 2 are outlined below.
Basic Training Part 1 takes place over a 3-day period, with each day beginning at 8.30 and finishing at 5pm.
The training is intensive and it is recommended that candidates read the textbook 'Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, Basic Principles, Protocols & Procedures'. 3rd edition (Shapiro, 2018)
Basic Training Part 1 focuses on introducing attendees to the Adapted Information Processing Model (AIP), the 8 phases of EMDR therapy and prepares attendees to go back into their workplaces able to conduct EMDR therapy with selected clients.
Attendees must also complete 5 hours of Case Consultation with an Institute Accredited Case Consultant who is also a Facilitator.
Attendees must also submit a log of 30 hours completed EMDR client hours to attend Basic Training 2.
Basic Training Part 2 also takes place over a 3-day period, with each day beginning at 8.30 and finishing at 5pm.
Basic Training Part 2 goes back over the AIP and 8 phases of EMDR. It also introduces attendees to more advanced techniques including cognitive interweaves and other tools for using EMDR therapy with more complex client presentations.
Following the workshop, attendees must complete a further 5 hours of case consultation with an Institute Accredited Case Consultant who is also a Facilitator or Trainer.
Attendees must also submit a log of a recommended 30-35 hours using EMDR therapy with clients.
Please note that only participants who have attended an EMDR-Institute Training Part 1 can attend an EMDR-Institute Part 2 training.
Please talk to your EMDR therapy trainer about their requirements.
For the EMDR Institute, these are as follows. To complete the full Basic Training requirements, you must have completed the following:
EMDR Basic Training Certificate of Completion
Completion of Basic Training Part 1 and Basic Training Part 2, which each consist of a three-day course including 10 hrs of didactic and 10 hrs of supervised practice
Read the textbook Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, Basic Principles, Protocols & Procedures. 3rd edition (Shapiro, 2018)
Had a total of 10 hrs of case consultation with an EMDR Institute Approved Case Consultant who is also a facilitator. This can be in individual or group format with regular group supervision being offered to ensure the supervision requirements can be met in a timely way.
Submitted 2 logs, each of a recommended 30-35 hours, using EMDR Therapy with clients.